Super excited to officially announce that Poe was able to help raise $2000 for Palomacy Pigeon and Dove Rescue!
Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions
I sent it over the other day so they should be receiving it shortly :> Hopefully in time for their Coo-chella event!! Please check it out if you're in the Bay Area, it's coming up this Saturday! Tasty vegan food, craft beer, music, raffle prizes, and you can even bring your birdie buddy :>
More info here:
Another thing to mention- Going forward, 20% of all proceeds from Poe Egglesworth items will be donated to Palomacy! Because of this, any coupon codes for my website won't apply to Poe items. Everything else is still fair game though so make sure to sign up for my mailing list here https://mailchi.mp/cd4c4c04008d/fleacircusdesigns to receive a coupon to use right away for 20% off all other items on fleacircusdesigns.com!
(PS. Will be posting some manu sample photos on the Kickstarter updates soon! I'm making some small edits here and there but I'm very happy with how they're turning out!)